Tag: Wildlife

Our Routes in Ecuador & Galápagos Islands

March 18, 2024
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Ecuador, Galapagos, Galapagos Islands, Our Routes

…with Product Executive, Hannah In the next instalment of Our Routes series dedicated to sharing travel experiences from our experts all over Latin America, Product Executive, Hannah Finch describes her amazing journey to Ecuador. From Quito’s historical marvels and Otavalo’s colourful markets to the natural wonder of the Ecuadorian Amazon and rich wildlife of the Galápagos Islands, her adventure was a mosaic of experiences. YOUR MAIN DESTINATIONS?  Ecuadorian Amazon, Quito, Otavalo and the Galápagos Islands. HOW DID YOU GET THERE?  From London to Quito, via Miami – with American Airlines/British Airways. FIRST TIME OR REPEAT TRIP? (IF REPEAT, WHAT WAS DIFFERENT THIS TIME?) First time, it’s somewhere I’ve wanted to go for years and was so magical to be able to take my son. FAVOURITE LOCATION? The Galápagos Islands, they are just so unique and so well protected it’s incredible. It felt like we’d gone back in time, everything – the terrain,…

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Top 10 Wildlife Experiences in Peru

March 3, 2022
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Amazon, Peru

From ancient Incan citadels to a rich gastronomy scene, it’s easy to forget amidst the pisco sours that Peru is known for its incredibly abundant and diverse wildlife. Did you know that an incredible 1 in 10 of the planet’s species is found in Peru’s Amazon Rainforest? Having spent two years discovering the far less varied wildlife of the UK’s own more urban jungles; it’s now time to start treating ourselves to the experiences we deserve. So, to get you started with your planning, we’ve broken down some of the top wildlife experiences you should look to include on your big trip to Peru… Alpacas The smaller, fluffier cousin of a llama, alpacas can be distinguished by their shorter faces and are highly prized for their fine fleece. You’ll find clothing made from Alpaca Wool at shops throughout your stay in Peru, keeping you warm for your time in the…

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