Category: Latin America

Our Routes in Yucatán

July 10, 2024
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Latin America, Mexico, Our Routes

…with Product Executive, Hannah In the latest instalment of the popular Our Routes series, our product executive Hannah Finch takes us on a tour of the mysterious Maya archaeological site of Uxmal, colonial city of Mérida, the charming pueblos mágicos of Izamal and Valladolid, and discusses the many culinary delights she sampled on her trip through the Yucatán Peninsula. YOUR MAIN DESTINATIONS?  Mérida, Izamal, Uxmal and Valladolid. HOW DID YOU GET THERE?  I flew with AeroMexico from Heathrow, via Mexico City to Mérida. FIRST TIME OR REPEAT TRIP? It was my first time, but I’m looking forward to going back to discover more of this amazing country! FAVOURITE LOCATION? I was based in Mérida, which I loved, but Izamal was also stunning. Izamal was designated a pueblo mágico (magical village) for preserving its original architecture, traditions, and history. MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT?  Seeing Uxmal Mayan pyramid. We went late in the…

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Route of the Maya

May 29, 2024
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Belize, Guatemala, Latin America, Mexico

The Latin Routes team takes you through the sites of the mystical Maya empire The Maya civilisation was one of the most influential Mesoamerican cultures, and their territory spanned present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. The Mayas had the only known fully developed written language in pre-Columbian America and constructed fascinating stepped pyramids and palaces built for Maya rulers. Though the Maya southern lowlands declined around the 9th century and were abandoned for reasons still debated among scholars, the Northern Maya cities continued to flourish until the Spanish conquest in 1520. Their legacy remains strong in the cultural heritage of Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico, where Maya roots and influence can be admired in these regions’ architecture, art, and traditions. Many of our travel experts were lucky enough to have visited this incredible part of the world, taking in centuries of history and taking on big climbs to the…

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Our Routes in Belize

May 9, 2024
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Belize, Latin America, Our Routes

…with Senior Product Manager, Cat In the latest instalment of the popular Our Routes series, our senior product manager Cat Davies explains how her trip to this Caribbean gem included an all-time highlight in travel after discovering Belize’s Great Blue Hole, plus what other wonders await those lucky enough to take a trip to this magical country. YOUR MAIN DESTINATIONS?  San Ignacio/Cayo District, Placencia, Ambergris Caye. HOW DID YOU GET THERE?  I flew with United Airlines via Houston – an overnight stay on the outbound journey is usually necessary but the timings work very well with an early morning flight to Belize City the following day, so no time is really lost from the itinerary in Belize. Sleeping in a proper bed also actually means you are already starting to adjust to a new body clock, and you arrive in Belize feeling much more refreshed! FIRST TIME OR REPEAT TRIP?…

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Our Routes in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

April 10, 2024
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Costa Rica, Latin America, Our Routes

…with Travel Specialist, Julia In the next instalment of Our Routes series, our travel specialist Julia Ross walks us through a fantastic trip through Costa Rica, focusing on her favourite area, Manuel Antonio, with its wildlife-abundant national park backing onto glorious sandy shores and a stunning array of quality hotels set in gorgeous grounds. WHERE DID YOU GO & WHY IS THIS PLACE ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE DESTINATIONS IN COSTA RICA?  Manuel Antonio is by far one of the most beautiful places in Costa Rica! This is due to its unique combination of stunning natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and a range of activities and attractions. The combination of pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and lush greenery creates a picturesque and scenic environment make Manuel Antonio a MUST in your itinerary. Whether you’re hiking through the rainforest, enjoying a sunset on the beach, or admiring the panoramic views from elevated viewpoints, the natural beauty…

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Our Routes in Arenal, Costa Rica

April 5, 2024
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Costa Rica, Latin America, Our Routes

…with Head of Trade Sales, Gaynor With its i-conical volcano, forest canopies, thundering waterfall, and thermal springs, Arenal was a true adventure for our team as they hiked through its pathways and crossed the lake by boat through the region. Our Head of Trade Sales Gaynor Atherton shared with us why this was her favourite part of the trip to Costa Rica. YOUR FAVOURITE DESTINATION IN COSTA RICA?  Arenal – the hotels and town of La Fortuna, sit under the shadow of the majestic Arenal Volcano with stunning scenery all around this area and lots to see and do. We had a mix of wildlife which is in abundance in Costa Rica, so no area disappoints with this. It really is a beautiful area with lots of Hot Springs to choose from, stunning scenery, hikes and lots of amazing activities to suit the whole family with the added bonus of…

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Easter Traditions in Latin America

March 27, 2024
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Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Latin America, Mexico, Peru

Easter, or ‘Holy Week’, has profound religious significance in Latin America, along with famous, vibrant cultural celebrations. Each country boasts its own unique traditions and customs, from solemn processions to joyful feasts, let’s delve into these diverse Easter traditions in five Latin American countries, take your pick on which of these you would like to experience for yourself, on your next holiday to Latin America… Argentina Semana Santa or Holy Week in Argentina is a time for both celebration and relaxation. Many Argentinians will attend church services and participate in processions throughout the week. One of the most famous Easter traditions in Argentina is the “Vía Crucis” ceremony. During this event, the procession works its way through 14 stations of the cross towards the cathedral, and participants are encouraged to bring candles. Peru As in Argentina, in Peru, Holy Week usually begins on Palm Sunday, a week before Easter Sunday….

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Best Times To Go: The Weather Windows of Latin America

January 23, 2023
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Amazon, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Galapagos, Latin America, Patagonia, Peru

All four seasons (sometimes in one day!) can play their part in shaping your experience throughout Latin America, so let’s delve deeper into the rolling peak and shoulder seasons that dominate the sky, land, and sea on your next trip to this stunning big outdoors continent. Argentina High Season: November – February & July The Patagonia region in southern Argentina hits a peak from December to February with the best weather for pursuing outdoor activities. If you’re looking for a Christmas / mid-winter getaway, the beaches from late December through January are popular times along the Argentine coastline as well. For skiers, July is the best time to hit the big resorts of Mendoza and picturesque areas like Bariloche. Shoulder Seasons: September – November & March – May Buenos Aires enjoys ideal temperatures in shoulder seasons, and it’s also a good shout for seeing Patagonia with the beautiful Lake District…

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Latin America At The 2022 World Cup!

Maracana Rio
November 17, 2022
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Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Latin America, World Cup 2022

Some of our favourite Latin Routes destinations – Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador and Costa Rica – are competing in this year’s winter World Cup, which starts this weekend when the Ecuadorians kick off the footballing festivities on Sunday against Qatar! We take a look at each country’s rich sporting history and some of the fútbol related things you can experience when visiting these football-mad nations. Legacy of Champions Fútbol – or futebol as it’s known in Brazil – represents one of the most popular cultural institutions in Latin America. Whether played in a 100,000-capacity stadium or in the streets of the barrio, it’s a sport that brings together millions of obsessed fans across the continent. This level of enthusiasm has often been transferred to their national team’s World Cup success rate over the eras, with Argentina (2), Uruguay (2), and Brazil (5) lifting the cup nine times in total combined. 20th-century legends such…

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Our Routes in Chile

Felipe and the three peaks
October 21, 2022
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Chile, Food and Wine, Latin America, Our Routes, Patagonia

…with Senior Marketing Manager, Felipe For the latest installment of Our Routes series dedicated to sharing travel experiences from our experts all over Latin America, Senior Marketing Manager Felipe Francisco shared with us memories from his tremendous Chilean journey. YOUR MAIN DESTINATIONS?    Santiago, Punta Arenas and Patagonia. HOW DID YOU GET THERE?   Direct flight from London Heathrow to Santiago with BA, followed by domestic flight from Santiago to Punta Arenas with Latam. FIRST TIME OR REPEAT TRIP?   Repeat. I backpacked across Chile for 1 month when I was 19 years old. This time around I managed to visit Patagonia, one of my lifelong travel dreams. FAVOURITE LOCATION? Patagonia, Patagonia, Patagonia! It’s hard to put down in words how amazing Patagonia is. It’s by far one of the most dramatic, and beautiful scenery in the world! I particularly enjoyed my stay with Las Torres, who offer beautiful lodging ranging from luxurious hotels to glamping…

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Cultivating A Greener Chile

Solar Energy Panels in the Atacama Desert night sky
October 9, 2022
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Chile, Latin America

The good news for greener holidaying is that Chile, one of the most striking Latin American destinations, can now lay claim to being the renewable energy champion of the continent. This forward-thinking country has made great strides with its energy transition as it seeks to decarbonise the entire country by the middle of the century, in addition to efforts to protect its incredible landscapes and biodiversity. National Park Conservation Douglas Tompkins bought and donated an area roughly the size of Cyprus to Chile and Argentina for conservation, an act which inspired the Chilean president to create five new national parks, placing millions of acres of land under strict environmental protection and adding to a chain of 17 different parks that stretch south through the Chilean wilderness. He dreamed of a place both hikers and wildlife alike could enjoy, and today that dream has come true. The Chilean section of Patagonia…

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