Tag: Hotels in Brazil

Saving Sea Turtles in Brazil with Project Tamar

September 10, 2014
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All News, Brazil

Brazil is home to tons of incredible and exotic wildlife from the flora and fauna of the vast Amazon Jungle in the West to the sea creatures of its long Atlantic coastline over on the East coast.The Brazilian coast is an increasingly popular holiday destination due to its natural beauty and unique wild inhabitants, particularly the magnificent sea turtle. There are five species of sea turtle found off the shores of Brazil and for a long time now their populations have been in decline. Thankfully, in the 1980’s a wonderful initiative named Tamar-ICMBio was set up with the sole purpose of protecting these beautiful and gentle creatures. Two years after its establishment in 1980, Tamar’s first research station was constructed to help monitor breeding grounds and sea turtle activity, which is a constant necessity in order to produce reliable findings.   How does Tamar help the endangered Sea Turtles? Today, Project Tamar has twenty-two research…

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