Latin Routes Guide to Chile Part 2

November 1, 2013
Chile, News

Last week, we investigated one aspect of Chilean culture that may have left you baffled – the food. This time, we’ll be having a look at some finer points of etiquette – use this knowledge to avoid being kicked out of a restaurant for inadvertently insulting the manager’s hair (among other things).


As with the majority of South American cultures, Chileans are friendly, open and inviting. You should expect physical contact (hugging, kissing) which may take some getting used to if you are the kind of person to avoid eye contact on public transport at all costs (I.e. British). After a few awkward handshakes, the Chilean way of life will become second nature to you. Other than this, Chile is a very religious and traditional culture. If you are likely to come into contact with local Chileans, be aware that they are not necessarily as liberal as some Western countries. Perhaps avoid conversation about politics (in particular about the US) or religion, unless your Chilean counterpart brings it up.

Now, on to some smaller things that you may not have known about Chile. It is considered rude to click your fingers, so avoid doing this around, or to, anyone. Furthermore, those in Chile have  a less conservative estimate of ‘personal space’ than many other countries. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s a sign of their hospitality – it is actually one of the best things about Chile; you will make friends with almost everyone you meet!

Lastly, in terms of dress, it is best to think of Chile as about 20 years behind conventional Europe. Dark suits, long dresses and cigarettes after dinner are all commonplace. Dressing outlandishly won’t win you any bonus points, and may even be considered insulting (say, if you are dining with a newfound friend).

In general, be generous with your time, make an effort to understand common social practices and Chile will do the rest! You will be welcomed as warmly as if you’d lived there all your life.

If you have any questions or are interested in booking a holiday to Chile, please Contact Us.

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  • wretchedshekels
    November 1, 2013 at 5:27 pm

    Great information! Thank you fro posting it 🙂

  • latinroutes
    November 5, 2013 at 11:35 am

    No problem, glad you found it useful!